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Porvalor is an boutique advising firm focused on optimizing the lifecycle management of critical engineering assets and asset systems.
Enabling collaborative ecosystems of institutions, business organizations and people involved in the lifecycle management of engineering assets.
Ensure that sound long-term strategies are mirrored into the tactical plans and daily operations of engineering assets.
Unlock maximum value for stakeholders by balancing cost, risk and performance of engineering assets across their whole lifecycle.
Aligning financial and technical asset management functions to resolve competing priorities and satisfy the more immediate needs, while deriving optimum long-term economic, social and environmental benefits.
Valuing and spanning different prespectives throughout all stages of the lifecycle of engineering assets.
Longlasting partnerships for the asset management journey.
Activity founded on knowledge and mobilizing innovation.
Porvalor uses an asset management approach focused on value realization and alignment of decisions that accelerate and consolidate asset management maturity.
The risk management approach by Porvalor covers the whole life cycle of any type of critical engineering assets in view of protecting value and maximizing oportunities.
Porvalor orchestrates the creation and expasion of collaborative networks clustering influencers, asset owners and service providers.
Porvalor is oriented to accelerate innovation diffusion and strengthen the knowledge triangle integration of business, research and technology and higher education institutions.
Knowledge intensive and boundary-spanning activity.
Multi-municipal Water Supply and Sanitation Systems
Evaluation of ISO 55001 Asset Management System Certification
International Master in Risk Assessment and Management of Civil Infrastructures
Associated Partner
International Congress on Engineering Asset Management
Promotion and organization
Sea/Air Interphasic Wing-in-Ground Effect Autonomous Drones
Design and development of new class of military surveillance drones
Energy Distribuition Networks
Asset Management Capacity Building
Road and rail networks
Infrastructure risk management in use/renewal stage
Power upgrade of energy production infrastructures
Risk management in the construction preparation stage
Lisbon stormwater drainage systems and flood control
Risk management in the design-build tender stage
Combined cycle power plants
Evaluation of ISO 55001 Asset Management System Certification
Wastewater Treatment Utility
Evaluation of ISO 55001 Asset Management System Certification
Transportation infrastructure management body
Evaluation of ISO 55001 Asset Management System Certification
Bridge D. António Francisco dos Santos and accesses
Risk management in the design-build tender stage
Knowledge and Innovation Centre for Water and Energy
Risk management coordination for rehabilitation project
Central Hospital of Évora
Risk management in the design-build tender and asset management in the construction preparation stage
Bridge over Douro river and acesses between Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia
Risk management in the design tender stage
Urban water asset systems for municipalities and industrial zones
Asset management planning for water utility
Metro do Porto: Yellow Line + Pink Line
Risk management in the construction preparation stage
Metro do Porto: Yellow Line + Pink Line
Risk management in the construction preparation stage
Metro do Porto: Yellow Line + Pink Line
Risk management in the construction preparation stage